28.10.2019 [#Humanstories]
Was this whole world...just an illusion?
I don't want to write about the police violence on the street. The word alone, come on. Contradictio in terminis, right? Ahum. Not so. I don't want to write about the military and police violence in Venezuela, in Nicaragua, in Argentina, in Brazil, in Peru, in Ecuador, in Chile, in.... In Chile? Democracy at its best, isn't it? So no. What is going on in Latin America? I don't want to talk about it.
25.10.2019 [#Sustainability]
Inclusivity: it all starts with yourself
I’m at a conference about inclusiveness and diversity, on the one hand as a sympathizer with one of the organisations that work on this subject, and on the other hand because as a professional I’m curious about the many practical examples that will be presented and discussed that day. Yet for a moment – at least for me – a small false note sounds. Not in terms of the organisation of the study day, not in terms of the content, but something that nobody notices (I think), passes just as quickly and disappears, but in my case persistently keeps nagging and knocking somewhere.
30.09.2019 [#Sustainability]
Do you know what sustainability means? And do you act accord
02.01.2019 [divers]
Best Wishes for 2019!
For the year to come I would like to wish more mildness, and humanity, in all its forms and colors, in decisions to be made, in gestures and actions towards others, not only within the small circle of family and friends, but also beyond, in words anonymously on social media or directly towards each other, in emotions besides reason, and especially in everything we do, every day again.